Friday, July 27, 2018

Time to STOP Organizing!!!

Welcome to Scrappy News!
I'm so excited to be sharing my first EVER blog post! I'm even more excited that you are here reading it!! :) I want to talk to you about organizing today. That word that haunts so many of us in our crafty space. Sometimes I feel like it stalks me…am I right??
I mean seriously, how many cute boxes have you purchased over the last few months or baskets & bins you just had to have. The stores come out with new colors and designs and we just cannot resist. At least I can't. Some we purchase with a specific product or household item in mind that will be stored in them and others we plan to use as décor pieces on a shelf or corner somewhere. You've fallen for this trap, right? I have more times that I care to admit.
When I arrive home with my new lovelies, I end up doing one of these things:
  • I find what I intended to put in it and then the box or bin lands on my desk - not really helpful.
  • I completely forget what I intended to use it for and it lands on my desk or the floor - super not helpful!
  • Or better yet, I find the product I intended to use it for and the product doesn't fit - not even funny!
  • And of course, don't forget that time you found the perfect décor box and you get home and realize you already bought it for that same item and just forgot!! GRRRR, that is all.
Have any of you been there with me? I now have a great collection of boxes, bins and baskets - but what on Earth to do with them all! They are hindering my attempts to organize and to be creative. There's that pesky word again! I feel like I have spent so much time lately organizing that I have no creative mojo left for crafting. That is super depressing and frustrating because all I want to do is enjoy my space and play with the awesome products I have.
Here's what I propose my crafty friends…we pause the organizing for a moment, yes, STOP ORGANIZING! I can't believe I'm saying that, but it has to happen because we have been conditioned to believe we can't craft unless we are organized. That is simply just not true. I call shenanigans! LOL We all work differently and we all need to be inspired. So, it doesn't matter if you're crafting or organizing, you need to be inspired to take on each of those.
Here's how we are going to reclaim our crafty spaces. Are you ready for this???
Grab a box or a bag and pick where you want to craft today. It could be your desk buried under all of those super cute boxes or even the dining room table. Just find a space. It doesn't have to be cleared off because that's why we have the box or bag. Now, just put everything in the box or bag to clear to your workspace. I know, I know - that creates some anxiety, doesn't it? Just trust me on this…now, you have a space - next, it's time to pick a quick project, nothing too involved. Maybe choose a scrapbook layout you've been wanting to complete or a card for a special occasion…maybe you just want to use those new colored pencils you picked up a while ago and just need to swatch them out or even a small mixed media project would be great.
Keep in mind to pick something you can gather the supplies for. Wait, can't find your favorite adhesive? Pick you second fave or the one you can find and let's get going. Now, where are those scissors?? Don't worry, go grab the ones from the kitchen - I won't tell. We ARE doing this and no amount of disorganization is going to stop us!
Finally, sit down (or stand up) and get going on that project! I did this a couple of weeks ago and let me tell you, it has changed my life and my craft room! I did exactly what I told you guys to do above and I completed four 2-page layouts from kits I bought last year and 12 cards from another kit!
I was so excited and motivated, guess what I did next??? I started organizing without stressing over it. I had finished my projects and was looking around and just started grabbing this and that and putting things away. YES, I started organizing without even thinking about it or dreading it one bit.
It was fabulous! I got a few projects done and I cleared some of the clutter too! I have continued to do this over the past several days and I am more inspired and feeling more crafty than I have in a long while. I challenge you to try this for yourself and share your progress and success with me on Facebook at
I appreciate you stopping by and if you made it this far, thanks for sticking with me! I can't wait to hear from you!
Stay crafty my friends!

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